May 2, 2021

5 things to avoid when losing weight!

5 things to avoid when losing weight!

We can all relate when it comes to trying everything and anything to lose weight. 

Being aware of things to avoid and things to implement in your weight loss journey can help you achieve your weight loss in a safe and sustainable way.

Before this, it is important to take the right steps and prepare for ups and downs as your journey may not always be smooth sailing. We have all seen mistakes made early on. Unrealistic goals were set that were impossible to maintain from the beginning. We have put together a list of things to avoid and things we should all implement when trying to lose weight. 

Let’s break it down and make your weight loss journey easier:

  1. Do not instantly restrict foods or calories to achieve your goal faster. Poor choices like this will lead to a large number of complications like; low energy levels, poor sleep and hydration, high-stress levels, an impact on digestion, and possibly lead to binge eating after a number of weeks or days. 
  1. Do not exceed the level of exercise you can do at the beginning. This means - do not go from 0-100 straight away i.e., don't go from zero training to 4-5 days a week. Start with what is manageable and maintainable at the beginning. This might be 2 strength training sessions in the gym and then focusing on reaching a high step count the other days. After 3-4 weeks you can then start upping your training sessions if you feel comfortable doing so.
  1. Do not cut out carbs from your diet. In order for us to sleep better, perform better, and have high energy levels it is important you are consuming the right amount of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are slow releasing which helps keep you fuller for longer. Other components that should not be overlooked are Protein, Fats, Vitamins, and Minerals to create a balanced, healthy diet. 
  1. Avoid quick-fix diets. Although you may feel you are reaching your goal quicker.  Quick-fix diets lead to many hurdles and cannot be maintained, like fasting for long periods. These can cause extreme changes to the body and lead to many complications down the line. Your weight loss journey should be a slow process and managed in a safe way. It is recommended to lose 1-2 pounds a week (0.5 - 1kg a week).
  1. Do not let the scales determine your mood for the day.  The best way to approach weekly weigh-ins is to understand why the scales can vary every day/week. This can depend on many factors like water retention, salt intake, and time of the month (for females). Females typically tend to retain water at different points of their menstrual cycle. This can impact the scales and can lead clients to feel disappointed and frustrated if the scales haven't budged. So, try not to get disappointed if the scales go up - focus on the bigger picture and use things like: progress pictures, how you feel in your clothes, your energy and strength. These are all good indicators of progress.

What we can start with

  1. Drink more water. Depending on your body weight it is recommended to drink at least 2-3 litres of water a day. It is very important to stay hydrated while staying active. Staying hydrated helps regulate your mood and energy levels, boosts cognitive functioning and flushes toxins from the body, and prevents illness. 
  1. Getting a good night's sleep. It is recommended to sleep 8 hours a night. Trying to go to sleep at the same time and get up at the same time each day including weekends. Sleep helps to recharge the brain and makes you more alert throughout the day.
  1. Screen time - setting a time in the evening that phones are away before bed. It is easy to fall into the habit of looking through social media right before bed. It is important that you set time away from your phone, help your brain relax, and get yourself ready for a good night's sleep. 
  1. Eat more fruit and vegetables. Filling up your meals throughout the day with fruit and vegetables is a great way to bulk up your meals. The more colour on your plate, the better.
  1. Walking every day and committing to 3-4 days of some form of exercise outside of walking. 

Staying in a calorie deficit 

For weight loss to occur you need to be in a calorie deficit. 

A calorie deficit is achieved by eating fewer calories than your body can burn on a daily basis. 

You can create a calorie deficit by either reducing your calorie intake or increasing your calorie expenditure through exercise. 

And of course, minding your mental health too. 

Make this your last and final unhealthy approach and begin your new journey with changes that are better for you all year round.

BASE Health is here to help. ALWAYS.

A healthy mind is a happy mind!!